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What we do

Healthcare insight

Our tools and analysis provide you with market leading insight across the full spectrum of health and social care at a national, regional or local level that will inform your strategy, enable precision planning and tactics, and ensure you add value to your NHS customers to better support patients.

The changing landscape in cancer care

澳门六合图库 has worked closely with NHS and industry cancer stakeholders for some years. With our unique range of solutions and oncology expertise we can enable partnership and stakeholder engagement with the NHS and help you tailor your value proposition to optimise your results.

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Investigator XD

Investigator XD is a data solution that provides a single point of access to an extensive range of healthcare data and insight assets, allowing pharma, medtech, life sciences companies and suppliers to the NHS to employ precision planning to access target NHS customers and markets.

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Your EXACT targeting solution

澳门六合图库’s EXACT offering will help streamline your research process, providing you with lists of UK provider-based treaters, prescribers and key opinion leaders (KOLs) in your disease area. This granular segmentation will save you time, help you cut through the noise and enable precision targeting to ensure you reach the right audience.

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Specialist Share Data

Specialist Share Data allows you to understand patient treatments, by disease at individual hospital trust and devolved board level. The data can be tailored by product and indication, meaning the ability to understand prescribing behaviours and brand usage by indication, by account is now a reality.

Specialist Share Data reveals how your products are being prescribed allowing you to compare with your competitors.

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NHS Maps

Whether you need to map your sales territories, visualise the ever-changing boundaries of NHS organisations or understand the health services provided in a region, our NHS Map of the UK provides the solution.

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Market segmentation: local health economies

Maintain your competitive edge with unique insights that support the development of local tactics and value propositions tailored to meet the specific needs of key market segments.

Our unique segmentation tools provide detailed insight into the levels of sophistication by organisation and footprint within the local health economy environment.

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